Multidisplinary system

We work with seven universities and two research institutes that specialize in diverse research areas on Engineering, Data science, and Social sciences, aiming to foster experts at a global level.
Structured a consortium, which facilitates convergence among institutions (university and public institutions), academics (IT convergence, information and communication engineering, media and management), regions (Seoul, Ilsan, Jincheon, Asan, Daejeon, Ulsan).
Convergence among institutions

Korea University is the main institution in charge of the Center, promoting interdisciplinary research and education among academic scholars.
We work with high-ranked universities that offer differentiated curriculums and foster experts in diverse fields.
We work with public educational institutions and state-run research institutes in the field of smart media.
Research aim

We aim to establish and operate a systematic and support system with the Research Coordination Team and Research Advisory Committee.
We aim to converge diverse areas of research, such as technology securing, start-up, technical advice, industrial and content promotion policies for value creation.