Vision and Goals
Development of Smart Media Service Ecosystem
Aiming to become a global expert research group (Think Tank)

Leading the OTT research group by conducting research on OTT-based technologies, intelligent technologies, data science, content, and platforms
Supporting the development of innovative technology and policies as a partner of R&D and policy of the Ministry of Science and ICT
Developing a global research team with comprehensive knowledge of smart media technology, data analysis of the ecosystem, and socio-scientific insights on the market and policy through convergence research
Expected Effects

Promoting the development of the Smart Media Service Ecosystem through the establishment of technological and economic foundations, promotion of the IT industry, and fostering of human resources
Contributing to the growth of the domestic ICT industry through the development of OTT-based technologies and intelligent technologies for smart media services
Establishing the main foundation of the digital economy for building a smart nation, meeting the national expectations for the smart media industry
Establishing a process of connecting human resources and employment through continuous collaboration with smart media companies and public institutions