[Invitation letter]
Different Korea University in different eras should become a new standard for respecting diversity and embracing small voices. In university, the diverse backgrounds, opinions, and tastes of all members should be respected absolutely.
The next generation who experienced this in university should contribute to raising our society's dignity to the next level by becoming future social leaders with a positive impact on our society.
The 8th University Forum will cover the issues of diversity and human rights on university campuses, and the issues of fairness and justice that university and society should think about together.
※ "University Forum" of the University and Social Research Association is supported by research funds from external companies.
Donghoon Ma, head of the University and Social Research Association, Department of Media Studies.
Seongcheol Kim, Head of Smart media Service Research Center (SSRC).
◎ 8th forum information
* Date and time: October 27th, 2022 (Thu) 12:00 p.m. to 1:20 p.m.
* Venue: CCL Event Hall, B1F, Central Plaza, Korea University
* Topic: Diversity, Human Rights, Fairness, and Justice * Chairman: Donghoon Ma (Professor of Department of Media & Communication, Korea University) * Presenter: Chae Yeon Kim (Chairman of Korea University Diversity Committee, Professor of Psychology) * Debate: Changhoo Jeon (Chairman of Seoul National University Diversity Committee, Professor of Plant Production Science), Jihyung Kim (Former vice chairman of Korea University Diversity Committee, Professor of architecture, social and environmental engineering) * Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCky1-OQSl3F79OSdHyrRolQ
* Offline participation application: E-mail reply by October 25th (Tue) at 12:00 (noon)
- Enrollment and inquiry: guswll@korea.ac.kr
- Email title: Application for participation in the 8th forum
- Email contents: Affiliation (department) / Position / Name / Attendance
e.g. Department of Media & Communication / Graduate student, undergraduate, professor, etc. / Hong Gil-dong / Wish to attend
