[Invitation letter] It's summertime. The "Strange University Forum," which began in March, has already marked its fourth anniversary.
Following the last three forums on the path of a first-class university, bio-media convergence research, and problem-solving education, the fourth forum will address the issue of Global Cooperation and Education. We ask for your interest and participation in this forum, which is preparing for another challenge to the global arena beyond the Global KU. ※ The "Strange University Forum" of the University and Social Research Council is operated with support research funds from external companies.
Dong-hoon Ma, head of the University and Social Research Association, Department of Media Studies
Seongcheol Kim, Head of BK21 Media Studies Education Research Group
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date and time: June 30, 2022 (Thu) 12:00 p.m. to 1:20 p.m
* Venue: CCL Event Hall, B1F, Central Plaza, Korea University
* Topic: Global Cooperation and Education
* Chairman: Donghoon Ma (Professor of Department of Media & Communication at Korea University)
* Presenter: Seungho Lee (Professor of Korea University International University)
* Debate: Juyeon Chung (Professor of College of Political Science and Economics, Korea University), Sungjin Kang (Professor of College of Political Science and Economics, Korea University)
* Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCky1-OQSl3F79OSdHyrRolQ
* Offline participation application: E-mail reply by June 28 (Tue) at 12:00 (noon) (40 people on a first-come, first-served basis)
- Enrollment and inquiry: guswll@korea.ac.kr - Email title: Application for participation in the 4th forum
- Email contents: Affiliation(department) / Position / Name / Attendance
e.g. Department of Media & Communication / Graduate student, undergraduate, professor, etc. / Hong Gil-dong / Wish to attend
