모정훈 연세대 산업공학과 교수
관심분야 Optimization, Game theory, Reinforcement learning, Telecommunication/Media technology & policy, Big data
Degree 박사
Email j.mo@yonsei.ac.kr
I am a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Yonsei University. Before the Yonsei University, I worked for AT&T Bell Labs, a couple of startups in the Silicon Valley, and KAIST. I got my Ph. D. degree at University of California at Berkeley. My research interests include network economics, healthcare informatics, wireless communication and mobile services. Technically, I am interested in optimization, game theory, and performance analysis.
*웹사이트 주소: https://sites.google.com/yonsei.ac.kr/jhmo-yonsei
주요 연구분야
Optimization, Game theory, Reinforcement learning, Telecommunication/Media technology & policy, Big data
대표 연구실적
[1] Impacts of Subsidy Regulation on the Mobile Market in Korea : Major Provider’s Diversification of Handset Quality, Telematics and Informatics, 2017 (with H. Kim and W. Kim)
[2] Why Internet Service Provider and Content Provider Do Not Collaborate via Monitoring of Digital Piracy , Socio-Economic Planning Sciences , 2017
[3] Internet Service Pricing: Flat or Volume? JNSM, 2013
[4] International Journal of Mobile Commerce, 12(2), 136-156. (corresponding author)